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Coaching - Self-care techniques - gua sha treatment mushrooms   - Kerikeri Reflexology by Louise

Self-Care Techniques

If you are looking for a holistic and effective approach to self-care, booking a lesson from an experienced therapist will be a game-changer. 


First and foremost, as a GuaSha master I possess extensive knowledge and expertise in the art of GuaSha. And have spent years honing my skills, understanding the techniques, and acquiring in-depth knowledge of the human body's meridian system.

By booking a lesson with me, you can tap into my wisdom and receive personalised guidance tailored specifically to your needs. Furthermore, learning GuaSha for your own self-care allows you to seamlessly integrate this practice into your daily routine. GuaSha involves using specialised tools to gently scrape the skin, promoting blood circulation, releasing tension

earning this technique from an experienced therapist has numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your skincare routine, by also


Learning what not to do as much as what to do, this knowledge will give you the confidence and get amazing results in yourself-care treatment.

You will receive 1 2 1 expert advice and practical skills and leave with a guide and access to a training video.

All lessons can be done via zoom or in person, contact me and we can make a convenient time, where ever you are in the world.

Coaching - Self-care techniques - gua sha coaching - Kerikeri Reflexology by Louise

GuaSha Coaching 60min................. $130

Soft Facial Cupping

If you are looking for a natural and non-invasive way to rejuvenate and revitalize you skin, booking a lesson in homecare Soft facial Cupping from an expert therapist is an excellent choice. 

Soft Facial Cupping, derived from the ancient practice of cupping therapy, is gaining popularity as a  highly effective technique for promoting heathy, glowing skin.

Learning this technique from an experienced therapist has numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your skincare routine, by also learning what not to do as much as what to do, will give you the confidence in using these amazing self-care treatment.

You will receive 1 2 1 expert advice and practical skills and leave with a guide and access to a training video.

All lessons can be done via zoom or in person, contact me and we can make a convenient time, where ever you are in the world.

Coaching - Self-care techniques - soft facial cupping  coaching - Kerikeri Reflexology by Louise

Facial Cupping Coaching 60min................. $130





Note: Please take care when using my products and GuaSha massage. Kerikeri Reflexology  cannot be held responsible for any injuries arising from improper use. This information is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical or skincare conditions.


If you are under the age of 16 or over the age of 60*, feel weak, are on medication or have had surgery in the last year, we do not recommend practising body Gua sha until you have consulted with a medical practitioner. At no point should treatment feel painful. Should you experience any pain during the use of any of our products, you should cease use immediately. Do not GuaSha over broken skin, broken veins or thread veins, moles, cuts or bruises. Individual results may vary depending on age, skin type and medical history.

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